Searching for Business Leads? Emphasize Content Strategy

Inbound marketing has never been more critical. With the prevalence of information on the web, buyers do most of their research before ever contacting a salesperson. 60%-70% of buyers will be at the end of their sales journeys before they reach out to talk to you.

5 Tips for Avoiding Packaging Missteps

When properly designed, great packaging protects the product, grabs the shopper’s attention, and becomes your in-store salesperson. Common oversights, however, can cause this opportunity to fall flat. How can you avoid common packaging pitfalls and maximize your on-shelf opportunities?

Why Storytelling Works in Marketing

No matter what is happening around us, most of us will stop and listen as soon as someone starts telling a story. That’s the power of storytelling. It works in marketing, too. People care about the details of your product’s costs, benefits, and specs, but once you start telling a story, that story has stopping power that can be more powerful than facts and figures.